Ensure Vanilla
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We all know what the struggle to meet our fitness goals feels like – be it sacrificing our morning sleep to go for a walk or cutting down on calories for a new diet. Staying fit takes a lot of time and diligent effort. So, here are 5 ways you can manage to work out along with your packed schedule:
It is essential to set realistic goals i.e. if you have never done any form of exercise, with the help of your fitness trainer begin tstar with a 15 minute walk and then gradually increase it to 30 minutes then 45 minutes on weekly basis1.
Fitness experts will help you Incorporate sitting exercises while working like chair squats and side stretches etc. to stay in shape.
Make your hobby a part of your exercise regime so that you stay fit and active without getting bored.
Under the guidance of your fitness trainer, modify your exercise pattern every few weeks to avoid boredom.
Have your trainer keep a track record of your fitness regime. Set small milestones and log all the progress you made on and off the scale. You can take measurements or photographs to help you understand your fitness journey better.2
1. https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/weight-management/walking-step-right-direction accessed on 9th November 2022
2. In, Krause and Mahan's Food & the Nutrition Care Process, 15th Edition 2021. ISBN: 9780323636551 accessed on 14 November 2022
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