Your Nutrition – Pregnancy Week 28

Your Nutrition – Pregnancy Week 28

Second Trimester


Congratulations! In pregnancy week 28, you’ve completed the second trimester of your pregnancy. Here’s how you can take care of yourself — and your body.

Your Nutrient of This Week1

Pack some power into your snack.
For variety, try these nutrient-and energy-rich snack options:

  • Fresh & dried fruit
  • Salad
  • Steamed buns
  • Soybean
  • Soupy noodle
  • Sandwiches
  • Nuts

Your Wellness Tips This Week

Make safety your top priority when you exercise. Follow these tips:

Your Wellness Tips This Week2

Make safety your top priority when you exercise. Follow these tips:

Exercise Safely

  • Stretch and warm up for at least five minutes before starting to exercise.
  • Start your activity at an easy, slow pace. Gingerly increase your speed and repetitions to a level that’s comfortable for you.
  • Drink fluid.
  • Work out on a flat, firm surface.
  • Rise slowly after doing floor exercises.
  • Cool down for five to 10 minutes.
  • Wear supportive shoes and a supportive bra.

Your Baby's Development at Week 28 3

During the 28th week of pregnancy, your baby wants to see what’s going on in his environment.

  • Your baby is about 25.5 cm long — roughly the length of an average zucchini. He weighs about 1 kg.
  • His brain develops and expands.
  • Your baby may open his eyes in utero.
  • More fat accumulates under his skin.
  • He continues to take 20- to 30-minute naps with some routine.

Your Changing Body at Week 28 4

At 28 weeks pregnant (and throughout this month of your pregnancy), your weight should go up and your skin probably will keep changing.

  • You should be gaining about 0.5 kg a week. Learn more about where the weight goes.
  • Stretch marks: As your skin expands during pregnancy, stretch marks can appear on your skin. These red, pink, or purplish streaks may appear on your stomach, breasts, arms, hips, thighs, or rear. Stretch marks are not a sign that you’re gaining too much weight — they can appear on the slimmest of pregnant women! You could try a cream specifically made for stretch marks.
  • Thank the family tree. Whether you get stretch marks has more to do with heredity than any other factor. After you deliver, your stretch marks probably will fade to light pink or white, but may not completely disappear.


1 WebMD. Smart Snacks When You're Pregnant. Available [Online] at: Accessed on 28 August 2023.
2 WebMD. Pregnancy: Exercise During Pregnancy. Available [Online] at: Accessed on 28 August 2023.
3 American Pregnancy Association. 28 Weeks Pregnant. Available [Online] at: Accessed on 28 August 2023.
4 My Cleaveland Clinic. Stretch Marks. Available [Online] at: Accessed on 28 August 2023.
* Comparison among all maternal milk in Singapore as of January 2022, as declared on the label.


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