Your Baby's Development at Week 322,3
Your baby is spending quite a bit of his time practicing the skills he’ll need after birth, such as sucking, swallowing, and breathing. Other changes during your 32nd week of pregnancy include:
- At 32 weeks of pregnancy, your baby weighs about 1.8 kg and is almost 29 cm long from crown to rump, or the length of a small watermelon.
- Lanugo, the soft, downy hair that insulates your baby, continues to fall off this week.
- Your baby’s toe nails may become visible.
- You might notice a change in your baby’s movements this week, as he becomes more crowded in your uterus.
- Kicks and movements might seem less powerful.
- Be sure you monitor your baby’s movements from time to time, especially if you think you’ve noticed a decrease in activity.
- Your baby’s skin is no longer see-through. It looks more like yours.
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