Your Nutrition – Pregnancy Week 35

Your Nutrition – Pregnancy Week 35

Third Trimester


During this busy time of preparation, it’s more important than ever to maintain your energy and strong health with balanced nutrition and regular exercise.

Your Nutrients of This Week1

Super Foods for a Super Pregnancy
At 35 weeks pregnant you are nearly ready to give birth. You need to make sure you are giving your body the best nutrition to benefit you and your growing baby. Pay particular attention to the following key nutrients:

  • Folic acid
  • Protein
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin D
  • Omega-3 fats, like DHA

Iron During Your 3rd Trimester (35 Weeks)2
Iron intake during pregnancy is critical. Your body produces more red blood cells to supply oxygen and nutrients to your developing baby and to support your baby’s normal brain growth and development. In the 3rd trimester, your baby will be stocking up her iron stores to make sure she has enough for the first six months of her life. Iron is one of the most critical nutrients in the prevention of complications for the mother and the baby. If you are not getting enough iron, you may feel very tired and may also be more prone to getting sick.

Iron deficiency can cause maternal anaemia, premature delivery and even low birth weight. A daily supplement containing 16 to 20 mg iron is recommended during pregnancy. Ask your health care professional about the dosage that is right for you.

Pregnancy superfood sources
Meats, seafood, poultry, fish, iron-fortified cereals, iron-fortified pasta, nuts and seeds, dried fruits, prune juice, eggs, dried beans, and dark green leafy vegetables. When choosing non-meat sources of iron, serve them alongside vitamin C-rich foods to enhance iron absorption.

Your Wellness Tips This Week

Doctor Visits
You are probably visiting your doctor every two weeks now. Most of these visits will be the same as previous checkups with a few additions:

Group B streptococcus (GBS)
Your doctor probably will screen you using a routine test for group B streptococcus (GBS). This bacterium (not related to strep throat) usually lives harmlessly in the vaginas of 10% to 35% of healthy women.

Although GBS poses no risk to you, your baby can pick it up during delivery. If you test positive for GBS, you probably will be given antibiotics during labour to protect your baby.

The baby’s position
Your doctor also might check your baby’s position to see if she’s moved into place for delivery.

Your doctor probably will feel your baby’s position from the outside of your abdomen. As you get closer to your due date, your doctor might perform a vaginal exam to check your cervix.

Your doctor will confirm which part of your baby’s body is farthest down in your pelvis. In most cases, it’s your baby’s head.

Your Baby's Development at Week 353

During this 35th week of pregnancy, your baby’s growth has been progressing at a remarkable pace as your due date draws near. But the next three weeks could bring your baby’s most rapid weight gains.

  • Your baby probably continues to gain at least 0.2 kg a week, her limbs have a chubby appearance
  • During the 35th week of pregnancy, she already might be close to her birth length, near 46 cm from head to toe, and she continues to build up necessary fat, especially in her shoulders.
  • Within your now-crowded uterus, your baby might shift her movements from kicks and punches to more rolls and wiggles.
  • Her brain development continues to advance quickly.
  • Your baby already might have settled into a head-down position in your pelvis, if this is your first pregnancy. This is the ideal position for delivery because your baby’s head is the biggest part of her body.
  • Position refers to your baby’s placement in your uterus — whether he is facing right or left or is headfirst or feet-first. Your baby floats in your uterus and changes positions often throughout early and mid-pregnancy. When you’re between 32 and 36 weeks pregnant, your baby usually rotates to a head-down position for labour and delivery.
  • Headfirst position is called the vertex position.
  • Feet-first position is called a breech position.
  • If your baby is breech but is not too far down into your pelvis, your doctor might try to turn your baby into the proper position a few weeks before your due date.
  • Lying sideways position is called a transverse position.

Your Changing Body at Week 35

When you’re 35 weeks pregnant, your body continues to make internal adjustments and preparations for your baby’s birth.4

  • Your cervix already might begin to dilate or open very slightly to get ready for birth in a few weeks.
  • When this begins, you might notice a sharp pain in your vagina. This doesn’t mean you’re in labour.
  • Some women begin dilating in the few weeks, days, or even hours before labour.
  • You might continue to feel practice contractions this week. Remember, these contractions will not settle into a regular rhythm.

Put a Plan in Place5
Working out the details now can lead to a smoother labour and delivery later!

  • Be sure both you and your partner know the way to the hospital and how long it takes to get there, from home or work. Do a practice run, if necessary!
  • Have a backup route ready in case of poor weather or traffic problems.
  • Have a plan for each time of day (or night). Who will take you to the hospital? How do you reach your partner?
  • Make preparations if you have other children or pets.

Preplanning Quick List at 35 Weeks Pregnant

  • Are the phone numbers for your doctor, partner, and sitter in one place?
  • Are your maternity benefits and leave paperwork complete?
  • Are you preregistered at the hospital?
  • Do you know when to call the doctor if labour has begun?
  • Who will drive you if it’s during the day or at night?
  • Where do you park?
  • Is videotaping allowed?
  • What are the hospital’s visitor policies?

Practice makes perfect! If you’ve already finished your childbirth classes, don’t forget to practice breathing, relaxation, or stretching techniques. This way you’ll be ready to use them when the time comes!


1 McCray A. Foods to Eat During Your Third Trimester. WebMD. Available [Online] at: Accessed on 30 August 2023.
2 Georgieff MK et al. Annual review of nutrition.2019; 39: 121–146.
3 What to expect. 35 Weeks Pregnant. Available [Online] at: Accessed on 30 August 2023.
4 American Pregnancy Association. What is Dilation in Pregnancy? Available [Online] at: Accessed on 30 August 2023.
5 Healthline. The Third Trimester of Pregnancy. Available [Online] at: Accessed on 30 August 2023.
* Comparison among all maternal milk in Singapore as of January 2022, as declared on the label.


Explore Your Pregnancy By The Week