Your Nutrition – Pregnancy Week 37

Your Nutrition – Pregnancy Week 37

Third Trimester


During your 37th week of pregnancy, you, your partner, your baby, and your doctor are making final preparations for your baby’s arrival. Your doctor sees you once a week until labour and delivery.

Your Nutrients of This Week

Eat Right to Sleep Right
The last few weeks of your pregnancy are an exciting time, but try not to lose sleep over it. The right nutrition can help you get a good night’s sleep. Here are some healthy eating tips:1

Eat light dinners
Big dinners might make you drowsy and can play havoc with digestion (try sleeping while your stomach is doing an impression of a thunderstorm). Instead, try eating your biggest meal before mid-afternoon, and eat a light evening meal.2

Eat an evening snack
Choose a light grain-and-dairy snack, such as crackers with low-fat cheese and fruit, or low-fat yogurt with toast and apple butter. Wait an hour before lying down. These healthy pregnancy foods will digest quickly so that you (and your stomach) can rest.

Have Heartburn?
Try these home remedies:2

  • Don’t drink beverages at meal time.
  • Instead, drink fluids in between each meal.
  • Instead of eating large meals, try to eat smaller, more frequent meals, and try to eat slowly.
  • Remain upright after eating a meal, as laying down after you eat can trigger heartburn.
  • Avoid fried food.
  • Avoid caffeinated or carbonated beverages.

Your Wellness Tips This Week

Weekly Prenatal Checkups
When you’re 37 weeks pregnant, this is a good time to finalise the details of your birth plan and take time to relax.

You’ll be seeing your doctor once a week beginning with the 37th week of pregnancy. Your exam probably includes:3

  • Weight measurement
  • A blood pressure test
  • An analysis of baby’s activity and movement
  • A pelvic exam to check baby’s position, height of fundus, and cervix dilation and effacement
  • A check for preeclampsia, which is high blood pressure during pregnancy
  • Vision changes such as blurred eyesight or seeing spots could be preeclampsia, symptoms which you should mention to your doctor
  • Looking for signs of labour

Take time at this visit to speak with your doctor about your questions or concerns, such as:

  • What are the signs of labour?
  • When should you go to the hospital?

Between Appointments At 37 Weeks Pregnant
Let your doctor know if you experience vaginal bleeding or leakage that is greenish-brown; constant, severe abdominal pain; or decreased baby movement.

Just Relax (easier said than done)
Either by yourself or with your partner, practice relaxation techniques to release tension and reduce stress. Some techniques to try include:

  • Body, facial, or foot massage for pregnant women. Avoid being on your back, though.
  • Relaxed breathing.
  • Guided imagery with the help of a partner or by listening to a CD.
  • Meditation or prayer.
  • Music.
  • Progressive muscle relaxation where you tighten and release muscles throughout your body beginning with your toes.
  • Yoga for pregnant women.

Relaxation can provide you with many benefits, including:

  • Reducing anxiety about childbirth.
  • Helping you rest.
  • Helping you sleep.

Exercise Tip: Avoid exercises or stretches that require you to be flat on your back for more than a few moments.

Your Baby's Development at Week 37

When you’re 37 weeks pregnant, you have a reason to celebrate. Your baby is considered full-term. These are a few changes she experiences:4

  • Your baby’s weight gain slows down considerably, but she’s got just a little more room to grow.
  • Essential fat (aka baby fat) will continue to form. This will round her out and help her stay warm after birth.
  • If you have an ultrasound during the 3rd trimester, the technician might measure the head, stomach, and femur to estimate your baby’s weight.
  • She weighs more than 2.7 kg and has a firm grasp.

Your Changing Body at Week 37

When you’re 37 weeks pregnant and in the weeks that follow, you can breathe easier. You might begin to notice some big changes in your body:5

  • Your baby might move down into your pelvis. When this happens, you might notice some of your late-pregnancy symptoms go away.
  • Your shortness of breath might go away as your lungs have more room to move.
  • Less pressure on your digestive organs might alleviate heartburn and constipation. Digestion might be easier, too.
  • You probably feel more pressure on your bladder.


1 Sleep foundation.Org. Sleeping while pregnant: Third trimester. Available [Online] at: trimester Accessed on 23 Aug 2023
2 NHS. Indigestion and heartburn in pregnancy. Available [Online] at: symptoms/indigestion-and-heartburn/ Accessed on 23 Aug 2023
3 WebMd. Prenatal visit week 37. Available [Online] at: Accessed on 23 Aug 2023
4 VeryWellFamily. Week 37 of your pregnancy. Available [Online] at: Accessed on 23 Aug 23
5 NHS. 37 weeks pregnant. Available [Online] at: Accessed on 23 Aug 2023
* Comparison among all maternal milk in Singapore as of January 2022, as declared on the label.


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