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How healthy eating habits have positive effect on our kids. All of us try to be the most caring, supportive and invested parents as best as we can. And we wish our kids only the best. Hence, it comes naturally to us because we are all evolutionary wired to ensure that our offspring is warm, safe and fed.
But unfortunately, since our primary instincts were developed in a pre-kids’ menu world, they might not be as effective as 1,000 years ago.
Dr Chu Hui Ping, consultant paediatric at the Raffles Children’s Centre commented, “In the older times when food was scarce and there were more children, it all came down to either eating or staying hungry. Nowadays, there are fewer children per household and more food options available. The feeding style of caregivers has also changed over time.”
And as if worrying about what our kids are eating today is not already a handful, research shows that the way we feed them, or our parenting style in feeding, seems to affect their future relationship with food, eating habits, ability to self-regulate food intake, and maintain normal weight.
Of course, parent-child feeding relationships are not an easy thing to study, given a variety of factors that affect them, but there are some interesting patterns in the research findings available to us now.
Recently, we also interviewed Dr William MacLean, clinical professor from Department of Paediatrics at The Ohio State University, who was invited by Abbott Nutrition to speak at the International Summit on the Identification and Management of Children with Feeding Difficulties.
Dr MacLean shared, “It’s not a parent’s job to control a child’s food intake. The parent’s job is to provide balanced meals, make the eating environment positive, and respond to children appropriately.”
Sometimes, parents are focusing our energy on trying to change picky eating – getting our children to eat. “There is the constant stress of the importance of good nutrition on the mental and physical growth of the child. More often than not, this escalates into the parent either force-feeding the child or coaxing and even bribing the child just to take another bite of the food,” added Dr Chu.
Attempting to control food intake is a recipe for eating problems, now or later. What parents initially view as picky eating is actually a normal developmental stage. And the more we try to change it, or cater to our children, the longer it lasts – and the worse feeding gets.
Here’s an overview of the four basic parenting feeding styles.
“The responsive parent is one who interacts well with their child. During the feeding process, the parent takes responsibility for deciding what’s going to be fed, when it’s going to be fed and where it’s going to be fed,” said Dr MacLean.
The parents have to respect the child’s hunger signals, and part of what responsive parenting does is to help children recognise when they’re hungry and when they have enough to eat. The way we do that is to give the responsibility to the child to decide on how much they should eat. There’s a reciprocity between the parent and the child; therefore, trust and boundaries are the basis of this parenting feeding style.
Example of mealtime conversation
Child: “I do not want broccoli. It’s gross.”
Parent: “We do not say bad things about the food we eat. You do not have to eat anything that you don’t like. There is plenty of food on the table that you can choose from.
Research findings
This is also known as a “clean plate” style of feeding. The parent puts a lot of pressure on the child to eat certain foods, finish what’s on the plate, restrict less healthy foods, and in general disregard the child’s preferences when it comes to eating. (P.S. this is definitely the way my parents approached feeding when I was a kid, because not finishing your food was considered very wasteful!)
Dr MacLean shared that the controlling feeding style is usually more common in fathers than mothers. “This usually leads to punishing the child for not eating, and using pressure and prompting to try to manipulate their child’s food intake. But kids raised in this style often lose touch with their body’s signals of hunger and satiety, which can ultimately lead to overeating and weight issues,” added Dr MacLean.
Example of mealtime conversation
Child: “I do not want to eat the broccoli.”
Parent: “You have to eat the broccoli! Otherwise, there’ll be no dessert or no TV for you!”
Research findings
Also known as “the-say-yes-to-anything parent”, the indulgent parent allows the child to eat what and when they want. The parent is not setting limits or providing clear boundaries when it comes to mealtimes.
This feeding style is “too soft”, and is more common in mothers than fathers. It is the child who decides what they will be eating at mealtimes. Short-order cooking ang grazing between mealtimes are some of the signs of indulgent feeding style.
Example of mealtime conversation
Child: “I do not want broccoli.”
Parent: “What would you like? I’ll cook something else for you.”
Research findings
According to Dr MacLean, this feeding style often produces two types of parents:
With this feeding style, there is a lack of structure in meals and an unreliable meal schedule.
Example of mealtime conversation
Child: “When is dinner? What’s for dinner?”
Parent: “I have no idea.”
Research findings
So what is a parent who’s worried about their child’s nutrition to do? Changing the feeding strategy is the most obvious answer, but we all know that it’s easier said than done.
Learning to feed the child in a new way means forgetting all we have heard from our parents and grandparents, and learning to ignore the most basic instinct: worrying about how much or whether our children are eating.
In summary, parents have to assume the role of a leader when it comes to feeding, but give children more independence in making their food choices within certain limits.
It is very important to have a solid structure of meals and snacks in place before embarking on this “new feeding journey”.
“Most importantly, parents have to trust their child to decide how much and whether to eat,” advised Dr MacLean.
This is the hard part due to our natural tendency to worry about how much they eat. But ultimately, if parents do their jobs with feeding, children will do their jobs with eating.
Systematically introduce novel food
Feed to encourage appetite
Limit duration
Encourage independent feeding
Serve age-appropriate food
Maintain appropriate boundaries
Source: Singapore’s Child Magazine
SG.2022.27905.PDS.1 (v1.1)
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