Your Premature Baby's Future
Most premature infants develop normally. Only a small percentage of babies born early have serious long term problems. Many famous people were premature infants. They include Mark Twain, Albert Einstein, Anna Pavlova and Winston Churchill!
One of the most important factors in the development of premature infants is their home environment.Your loving attention and care will help your baby develop to his/her full potential.
It’s easy for parents to become overly protective of their premature baby – even when the doctors or nurse has assured them that all is well. In these families, the child may become dependent and demanding. As a parent of a premature infant, you need to help your child develop emotionally as well as physically. As your baby grows, you can help by setting schedules and limits.
Stay in touch with your baby’s doctor and nurses. They can reassure you about your baby’s progress and help you develop workable schedules. Having a daily routine is essential to healthy parent-child relationship that you both need.
Here’s wishing you and your baby good health and many happy years ahead.