Nutritional Tips During Pregnancy

Nutritional Tips During Pregnancy


What to eat when you are expecting? You will find here nutritional tips during pregnancy to safeguard your health and support your growing baby.

Nutritional Tips For The First Trimester

At this stage, the foetus does not increase very much in weight or size, so your energy needs do not increase substantially. But the need for vitamins, minerals and protein increase to support rapid cell division and organ development in the foetus. So, you really do not have to eat a lot more at this point but focus on selecting nutrient-dense food including a maternal milk supplement to deliver valuable nutrients such as protein, vitamins and minerals.

Nutritional Tips For The Second & Third Trimesters

Your caloric needs increase in the second and third trimesters as the foetus gains weight rapidly. In the last three months of pregnancy, the foetus triples in weight and accumulates large amounts of key nutrients. For example, DHA accumulates in the eyes, brain and nervous system; iron is packed away in the liver for the first six months of life to provide for the period when breastfeeding is exclusive (if supply and lifestyle permits it); and calcium is deposited to strengthen bones. In addition, your body changes to support the pregnancy. Your caloric needs will increase from an additional 300 kcal each day in the second trimester to an additional 450 kcal per day in the third trimester1. Aim to eat enough —not too little and not too much—and enjoy a wide variety of nourishing food.

Eat a Well-balanced Diet: Include a variety of nutritious food such as wholegrain bread, brown rice, fruits, vegetables, lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, nuts, seeds and low fat dairy products in your diet each day.

Choose Low Fat Food: While fat is an essential nutrient at this time, selecting lower fat food choices will help you achieve appropriate weight gain.

Add DHA: DHA accumulates rapidly in the brain and eyes of your baby during the last trimester and through the first two years of life. Current recommendations support an intake of 300 mg per day throughout pregnancy2. Anchovies, salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel and maternal milk supplements are great sources of this beneficial nutrient.

Meet Your Folic Acid Needs: Folic acid helps cells multiply, a process critical to healthy baby development. Aim for an intake of 800 mcg per day during the first three months of pregnancy2. Folic acid is found in leafy green vegetables like spinach, melons, oranges and fortified food. Your doctor might recommend that you take supplements to meet the increased need for folic acid.

Include Choline: Another B-vitamin, choline helps prevent neural tube defects. In the growing foetus, choline is involved in the development of the hippocampus, which is known to be the seat of memory in the brain. The goal is to aim for 450 mg per day3. Choline is found in eggs, beef, chicken, turkey, salmon, baked beans and maternal milk.

Consume More B-Complex Vitamins: Working together, these water soluble nutrients support metabolism, promote cell growth and division, maintain healthy skin and muscle tone, and enhance immune and nervous system functions. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, and milk are excellent sources of many B-vitamins.


1Health Promotion Board of Singapore. Retrieved on 15 March, 2021 from: 
2Health Promotion Board of Singapore. Retrieved on 26 March, 2021 from:
3Science Daily. Eating more foods with choline during pregnancy could boost baby’s brain. Cornell University, 2018

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