Gangliosides (GG)

Gangliosides (GG)

What are GG?

GG are complex molecules that contain both lipids and carbohydrates.1 GG are found mostly in the brain, spinal cord and nerves.1,2 They are particularly concentrated at the synapses where neurons (brain cells) communicate with each other.2 Adequate supply of GG is essential for normal development and function of the nervous system.2

Dietary GG are digested in the intestines into their lipid and carbohydrate constituents, which are then absorbed and used by the body to make new GG.3

Benefits of GG

Vital component of neural cell membranes2

Critical role in brain development, function and neuroplasticity2

Supports cognitive function, memory and learning1,2

GG are important components of neural cell membranes and are essential for brain development and the normal functioning of the nervous system.1,2

GG play essential roles in transmitting signals between nerve cells, forming new nerve cells and the connections between them (synapses) and adjusting the strength of these connections.2 These processes collectively contribute to the brain's capacity for adaptability (neuroplasticity), which is crucial for learning and memory.2

GG may have a favourable effect on cognitive processes, especially in the early postnatal period when the child’s brain is still developing.2

Sources of GG

GG are typically found in animal-derived food such as meat, fish, egg yolk and dairy products.3

Signs and consequences of GG deficiency


Nervous system inflammation3


Consequences of low gangliosides intake or disruptions in ganglioside metabolism include impaired brain development, neurological disorders, cognitive behavioural effects and increased suseptability to infections.3

GG deficiencies are relatively rare in healthy individuals with a balanced diet. They are typically associated with rare genetic disorders or specific medical conditions rather than a lack of dietary intake. GG are primarily synthesised within the body, and dietary sources are not the primary source of gangliosides for most people.3

Did you know?

10% of the lipids found in the brain are GG.2

Food for Special Medical Purposes. Use only under medical supervision.

GG: gangliosides.

References: 1. Yu RK, Tsai YT, Ariga T, Yanagisawa M. 2011;60(10):537-44. 2. Gurnida DA et al. Early Hum Dev. 2012 Aug;88(8):595-601. 3. Ohmi Y. J Neuroinflammation. 2014 Mar 28;11:61. 4. Sandho4 K et al. J Neurosci. 2013;33(25):10195-10208. 5. Palmano K et al. Nutrients. 2015 May 22;7(5):3891-913.

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