5 Ways Nutrition Can Revive Your Health

5 Ways Nutrition And Lifestyle Changes Help Deal With Stress


Make your food choices your secret weapon​

Stress is an inevitable part of our lives. If left unchecked over a period of time, high-stress levels can cause physical and emotional health problems.1 So, if you’re feeling stressed, take note of the five tips below; these small changes can put you on track to reducing your stress:1,3

Choose the food you eat:​

Eat foods that are rich in anti-inflammatory compounds such as unsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, polyphenols and carotenoids (like dark chocolate, green leafy vegetables, bright-coloured peppers and even wine). These foods have anti-oxidants which are great for reducing inflammation.1​

Eat at home:​

Eating at home generally increases the likelihood that you will have a healthy diet because you have control over the ingredients in your meals. One way to make it easier to eat a healthy diet is to keep fresh, nutritious foods on hand.1,4


While stress can sometimes make it harder for us to be active, it is more important than ever to exercise when feeling stressed. Physical activity releases endorphins, and reduces adrenaline and cortisol levels, helping to decrease mental stress.1,5​

Get plenty of sleep: ​

A recent study showed that inadequate sleep alters the secretion of hunger-promoting hormones, causing you to feel hungrier and therefore, overeat. This is one reason we may overeat when stressed and sleep deprived. Aim for seven to eight hours each night.1,6

Drink more water and less caffeine:​

Ever get the jitters from too much caffeine? Research shows caffeine can actually worsen your stress response so while a little coffee may be helping you stay awake on those drowsy work-day mornings; your body will thank you for choosing your water bottle over your coffee cup in the afternoon.1​


  1. https://www.nutritionnews.abbott/nutrition-as-medicine/diet-and-stress/ as accessed on 11 Nov 2022 
  2. http://www.expressbpd.com/healthcare/happening-now/260000000-indians-suffer-from-mental-health-disorders/69815/ as accessed on 11 Nov 2022
  3. http://www.healthline.com/health/stress/effects-on-body as accessed on 11 Nov 2022​
  4. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/public-health-nutrition/article/is-cooking-at-home-associated-with-better-diet-quality-or-weight-loss-intention/B2C8C168FFA377DD2880A217DB6AF26F as accessed on 11 Nov 2022​
  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24030837 as accessed on 11 Nov 2022​
  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22275135 as accessed on 11 Nov 2022

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