Role of Muscle Mass in Health and Ageing1-9

Manage Diabetes With Lifestyle Changes1​


When people are first diagnosed with diabetes, they often feel like their days of eating normally are over. But research scientists at Abbott disagree. People can manage their diabetes through exercise and diet changes. For instance, weight loss can have a huge impact. 

Be Choosy About Carbs1

In addition to monitoring the number of carbohydrates you eat, focus on eating and drinking the right types. High-fibre foods that minimize blood sugar response are your best bet. Also, make sure you never skip meals. Skipping meals can make it more difficult to manage blood sugar.1,2

Set Realistic Goals​

Gradual change is more likely to lead to a permanent change. Break larger weight loss and fitness goals into smaller ones. Think beyond the number on a scale and rely on a measuring tape to track changes to your waist, hips, thighs and upper arms.1​

Keep a food journal​

Plan your meals ahead of time and get accustomed to portion control by measuring and documenting all your food and drinks for at least two weeks. By writing down how you feel before and after eating, you can determine triggers that might3

Exercise regularly​

According to studies, exercising consistently can lower blood glucose and improve HbA1c levels. The association recommends 30 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous-intensity exercise at least five days a week, or a total of 150 minutes per week. Talk to your doctor before starting an exercise routine.1,4​


  1. - Accessed on 10 November, 2022
  2. - Accessed on 10 November, 2022 ​
  3. - Accessed on 10 November, 2022 ​
  4. - Accessed on 10 November, 2022

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