For Children 1-10 years old

PediaSure Plain

PediaSure® Plain​

See Improvement in Your Child’s Growth with PediaSure®​​

Gaps in nutrition can affect growth especially in the first few years of life. Help your child achieve their optimal growth potential with PediaSure - Formulated with Arginine & Vitamin K2 for longer and strong bones, it scientifically proven for 50%* faster growth & less sick days1

Available in:​

600g, 850g, 1.2kg, 1.6kg, 1.8kg, 3kg​

Available flavours:

Support Your Child in Reaching Their Growth Potential

Between the ages of 1-10 years old, children undergo a significant increase in physical development. As you continue on the exciting and unique growth journey of your child, understanding the science of growth can help you take active steps towards ensuring your child’s growth is on track.


Choose PediaSure for Proven Growth Results​​


Week 4:

Better Appetite1


Week 8:

Improvement in weight1 & height2


Week 16:

Less sick days1


Week 48:

Sustained proportional growth1

Nutritional Table

INGREDIENTS: Hydrolyzed corn starch, PROTEINS (milk protein concentrate (cow's milk), soy protein isolate, casein hydrolysate*), OILS (high oleic sunflower oil, soy oil, canola oil, medium chain triglycerides (MCT) oil), fructose, fructo-oligosaccharides, MINERALS (potassium chloride, calcium phosphate, magnesium phosphate, sodium citrate, potassium phosphate, potassium citrate, calcium carbonate, sodium chloride, ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, potassium iodide, chromium chloride, sodium selenite, sodium molybdate), emulsifier (soy lecithin), FLAVORING (vanilla, milk), L-arginine, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) from C. cohnii oil, choline chloride, VITAMINS (ascorbic acid, dl-alpha tocopheryl acetate, d-calcium pantothenate, niacinamide, pyridoxine hydrochloride, thiamin hydrochloride, riboflavin, Vitamin A palmitate, folic acid, phylloquinone, biotin, Vitamin D3, menaquinone-7, cyanocobalamin), ascorbyl palmitate, taurine, m-inositol, L-carnitine, Lactobacillus acidophilus, mixed tocopherols. Contains emulsifier as permitted food conditioner and permitted flavouring substance.

Contains: milk, soy
*Source of casein phosphopeptides

View Full Nutritional List

Maklumat Pemakanan / Nutrition InformationUnit / UnitsSetiap / Per 100gSetiap Hidangan / Per Serving (225ml)*
Tenaga / Energykcal (kJ)464 (1942)226 (944)
Lemak / Fatg18.128.81
   Mono Tak Tepu / Monounsaturated g8.314.04
   Poli Tak Tepu / Polyunsaturated g5.392.62
       Asid Linoleik / Linoleic Acid g4.172.03
       Asid α-Linolenik /  α-Linolenic Acid g0.470.23
       Asid Dokosaheksenoik / Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)mg2110
   Tepu / Saturatedg4.051.97
   Asid Trans Lemak / Trans Fatty Acidg0.200.10
Karbohidrat / Carbohydrateg60.6929.50
   Jumlah Gula / Total Sugarsg12.516.08
      Laktosa / Lactoseg1.530.74
Serat Makanan / Dietary fiber g2.061.00
   Frukto-oligosakarida / Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) g2.061.00
Fosfopeptida Kasein / Casein Phosphopeptides mg16379
Taurina / Taurinemg33.316.2
Karnitina / Carnitinemg7.93.8
Vitamin / Vitamins
Vitamin Amcg RE (IU)278 (926)135 (450)
Vitamin D3mcg (IU)9.25 (370)4.50 (180)
Vitamin Emg a-TE (IU)7.2 (10.7)3.5 (5.2)
Vitamin K (total)mcg35.517.3
    Vitamin K1mcg27.313.3
    Vitamin K2mcg8.24.0
Vitamin Cmg46.322.5
Asid Folik / Folic Acidmcg11154
Vitamin B1mg1.120.54
Vitamin B2mg0.980.48
Vitamin B6mg1.210.59
Vitamin B12mcg1.390.68
Niasin / Niacinmg NE6.943.37
Asid Pantotenik / Pantothenic Acidmg3.241.57
Kolina / Cholinemg139.067.6
Mineral / Minerals
Natrium / Sodiummg17686
Kalium / Potassiummg606295
Klorida / Chloridemg469228
Kalsium / Calciummg463225
Fosforus / Phosphorusmg388189
Ferum / Ironmg6.483.15
Zink / Zincmg3.101.51
Mangan / Manganesemg0.690.34
Kuprum / Coppermg0.300.15
Iodin / Iodinemcg44.921.8

Standard dilution is 216 g/L
*5 scoops (48.6g) of powder + 190ml of water = 225ml

Easy To Prepare


Step 1

Pour 190ml of room temperature water (<35◦C) into a glass.​


Step 2

Gradually mix in 5 leveled scoops or 49.2g of PediaSure® powder​


Step 3

Stir well and consume immediately.


Step 4

Or cover, refrigerate and use within 24 hours.

Suggested serving: ​

1-8 Years: Up to 2 servings per day​

 9-10 Years: Up To 3 servings per day​

Reminder: To ensure maximum benefits of probiotics, prepare formula with cooled, previously boiled water below 35℃.

How to Switch to PediaSure®

Here is how you can introduce PediaSure® to your child.​


Day 1 and 2:

2 Feeds with current milk
1 Feed with PediaSure®


Day 3 and 4:

1 Feed with current milk
2 Feeds with PediaSure®


Day 5 and 6:

3 Feeds with PediaSure®

Buy from our authorised partners


1. Compared to patients with good sugar control E. Geerlings, A.I.M Hoepelman/ FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology 26(1999) 259:265; Role of adaptive and innate immunity in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

2. Diabetes Care 2019;42:1593–1603

3. There was significant reduction in HbA1c compared to baseline and control at 1st month when used along with lifestyle intervention. The term “control” based on ADA recommendation of less stringent A1C goals. Consult your physician before making changes to your diet; Mohan V et al J. Assoc. Phys. Ind. 2019;67(12)25-30

Try PediaSure®


