Breast Milk is best for your baby

We support the World Health Organisation’s recommendation for exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and continued breastfeeding along with the introduction of nutritionally adequate and safe complementary (solid) foods at 6 months together with continued breastfeeding up to two years of age and beyond

Soy based formula for milk protein allergy

Similac Isomil Plus

Similac Isomil® Plus

Switch to soy to skip milk allergy & intolerance!
Made from 100% high-quality soy protein, Similac Isomil® Plus can help ease your child’s cow’s milk protein allergy (CMPA)

Available in 400g, 850g CAN

Proven Solution for Managing Milk Allergy

Vomit, rashes, eczema - does your child show these symptoms after taking cow's milk? They might be suffering from Cow's Milk Protein Allergy (CMPA). Learn more via our online symptom tracker.

Vomit, rashes, Symptom tracker - Made from 100% high-quality soy protein, Similac Isomil® Plus can help ease your child’s milk allergies.

Switch to soy to skip milk allergy & intolerance

Similac Isomil Plus is a proven solution for managing milk allergy.

Product Key Benefits Component_Isomil

Why is soy-based formula the best choice after cow's milk?

Quick Takeaway Component-Isomil-Why Best Choice

Lactose Free

Free of milk proteins and lactose which may cause an allergic reaction

Quick Takeaway Component-Isomil-Why Best Choice

Growth and Development

Provides essential nutrients to support growth and development

Quick Takeaway Component-Isomil-Why Best Choice

Strong Bones

Good source of calcium to support strong bones and teeth development


1 Auestad N, Scott DT, Janowsky JS, et al. Pediatrics 2003;112(3):e177-83. 

Nutritional Table

INGREDIENTS : Hydrolized corn starch, soy protein isolate, sucrose, high oleic sunflower oil, coconut oil, soy oil, MINERALS (calcium phosphate tribasic, potassium citrate, magnesium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium chloride, ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, cupric sulfate, potassium iodide, sodium selenite), fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), emulsifier (soy lecithin), VITAMINS (ascorbic acid, choline chloride, ascorbyl palmitate, mixed tocopherols, niacinamide, calcium pantothenate, d-alpha tocopheryl acetate, Vitamin A palmitate, riboflavin, thiamine hydrochloride, pyridoxine hydrochloride, folic acid, phylloquinone, biotin, Vitamin D3, cyanocobalamin), L-methionine, m-inositol, arachidonic acid (AA) from M.alpina oil, taurine, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) from Schizochytrium sp. oil, L-tryptophan, L-carnitine tartrate, CAROTENOIDS (lutein, beta carotene). Contains emulsifier as permitted food conditioner.

View Full Nutritional List

Maklumat Pemakanan / Nutrition InformationUnit / UnitsSetiap / Per 100gSetiap Hidangan / per serving (200ml)*Setiap Hidangan / Per serving (225ml)*
Tenaga / Energykcal474138155
Tenaga / EnergykJ1991578651
Pembahagi Kalori/ Caloric Distribution    
Lemak/ Fat%37.9537.9537.95
Karbohidrat/ Carbohydrate%48.7848.7848.78
Lemak / Fatg20.005.826.54
   Asid lemak monotidaktepu / Monounsaturated fatty acid g8.02.322.61
   Asid lemak politidaktepu / Polyunsaturated fatty acid g3.81.101.24
      Asid Linoleik / Linoleic Acid (Omega 6)g3.40.981.1
      Asid α-Linolenik / α-Linolenic Acid (Omega 3)mg29084.2895
      Asid Arakidonik / Arachidonic Acid (AA)mg18.65.46.1
      Asid Dokosaheksenoik / Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)mg9.32.83.0
   Asid lemak tepu / Saturated fatty acidg6.11.782.00
   Asid lemak trans / Trans fatty acidg000
Karbohidrat / Carbohydrateg57.8416.8018.91
    Jumlah Gula / Total Sugarsg18.05.15.7
       Laktosa / Lactoseg000
FOS g1.660.480.54
Taurina / Taurinemg3510.211.4
L-Karnitina / L-Carnitinemg11.73.43.8
Mio-inositol / Myo-inositolmg842427
Beta Karotena / Beta Carotenemcg46.813.615.3
Vitamin / Vitamins    
Vitamin Amcg RE (IU)554 (1845)160 (536)181 (603)
Vitamin D3mcg (IU)7.0 (280)2.0 (82)2.3 (92)
Vitamin Emg a-TE (IU)7.4 (11)2.2 (3.2)2.4 (3.6)
Vitamin K1mcg451314.7
Vitamin Cmg6318.420.60
Asid Folik / Folic Acidmcg722023.54
Vitamin B1mg0.680.200.22
Vitamin B2mg0.770.220.25
Vitamin B6mg0.430.120.14
Vitamin B12mcg1.00.300.33
Niasin / Niacinmg4.01.161.31
Asid Pantotenik / Pantothenic Acidmg3.00.880.98
Kolina / Cholinemg5816.8019
Mineral / Minerals    
Natrium / Sodiummg2206472
Kalium / Potassiummg600174196
Klorida / Chloridemg456132149
Kalsium / Calciummg530154173
Fosforus / Phosphorusmg350102114
Ferum / Ironmg7.02.02.3
Zink / Zincmg5.01.461.63
Mangan / Manganesemg0.300.080.10
Kuprum / Coppermcg33096108
Iodin / Iodinemcg1023033


400g Can Label

* Standard reconstitution is 145.3g powder diluted to 1 litre with water. For a standard serving of 200ml, use 3 level scoops (enclosed in can) (approximately 29.06g) of powder and 180ml of water. One can of 400 g will prepare approximately 13 standard servings.

850g Can Label

* Standard reconstitution is 145.3g powder diluted to 1 litre with water. For a standard serving of 200ml, use 3 level scoops (enclosed in can) (approximately 29.06g) of powder and 180ml of water. One can of 850 g will prepare approximately 29 standard servings.

Sachet Label

* Standard reconstitution is 145.3g powder diluted to 1 litre with water. For a standard serving of 225ml, add content sachet (32.7g) of powder and 200ml of water.

Comparison Table


Easy To Prepare

How to prepare?

Quick Takeaway Component-Isomil-Easy to Prepare

Step 1

Pour 180ml of warm water (35◦C) that has previously been boiled into a glass.

Quick Takeaway Component-Isomil-Easy to Prepare

Step 2

Gradually mix in 3 leveled scoops of  powder.

Quick Takeaway Component-Isomil-Easy to Prepare

Step 3

Stir well and consume immediately.

Recommended servings per day: 2-3

Notes: If you're preparing more than one feeding, it must be refrigerated and used within 24 hours. Once feeding begins, use within 1 hour or discard.

Storage instructions:

Store unopened tin under normal room temperature conditions. Once this tin is opened, contents should be used within 3 weeks. Cover opened tin and store in cool dry place (not in refrigerator)

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