Natural birth1
Did you know that this is the safest and most common method of delivery at a hospital?
In certain circumstances, the child may need a little push coming out which is when we can use vacuum delivery to assist. A plastic cup is placed onto the child’s head by suction and the doctor will gently pull the child from the birth canal. However, vaginal birth may not be possible.
Cesarean delivery may be necessary for the safety of you and your child. Like most things, natural childbirth comes with its advantages and disadvantages:
Advantages of natural childbirth:2
- There is little potential for harm for you and your child.
- Your recovery process will be shorter in comparison to a c-section
- You can move around more freely and find positions that help you stay comfortable during labor.
However, having a natural childbirth can cost up to RM8,000.
Advantages of having an epidural3:
- Allows you to rest if you have prolonged labour.
- By reducing the discomfort of childbirth, some women tend to have a more positive experience.
- An epidural will help you to stay alert and be an active participant during the birth.
Disadvantages of not using an epidural:
- Natural pain reduction techniques do not eliminate the pain, so if you don’t plan on working with the pain, you’re better off with an epidural.
- Natural approaches do not provide sufficient pain management, especially if you are in a prolonged labour or in a complicated labour that will most likely need interventions.
Side effects of an epidural may include: shivering, ringing in your ears, backache and soreness from where the needle was inserted.A few hours after birth, the lower half of your body may feel numb. Resulting in needing assistance to walk.
One mother said “It was important for me to feel fully in control” about natural childbirth.4
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