Diabetes and Stress

Diabetes and Stress 

Diabetes and Stress
Diabetes and Stress
Diabetes and Stress

Glucerna Vanilla Flavor

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Glucerna Vanilla Flavor that helps manage blood sugar 

Glucerna® Vanilla Flavor
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Simple relaxation exercises and other stress management techniques can help you gain more control over your blood sugar.

Simple relaxation exercises and other stress management techniques can help you gain more control over your blood sugar.

  • Exercise too much, too little, or not at all 

  • Eat too much or not enough 

  • Choose foods that cause blood sugar spikes 

Stress Management Techniques for People with Diabetes

Many people experience feelings of stress at one time or another. If you’re managing diabetes, that can add even more stress to your life, including dealing with medication, supplies, and following nutrition guidelines. Added physical and emotional stress can raise blood sugar levels. When stressed, your insulin levels fall, glucagon and epinephrine (adrenaline) levels rise, and more glucose is available in the bloodstream. So it’s a good idea to speak with your health care provider and check your blood sugar more often.

Figuring out and addressing the source of your stress is a great first step. Speak to a health professional to help you navigate an issue related to your diabetes or health. If stress is related to food or meal prep, get support at home or assistance with food shopping or delivery. Physical activity can be another stress reliever.

Here are a few more ways to reduce stress:

Deep-breathing exercises
Have you tried deep breathing? It’s easy and fun. Box, square, or four-square breathing may be a great stress reliever. Sit on the floor or in a comfortable chair with your feet on the ground. Exhale. Slowly inhale through your nose to the count of four. Next, hold your breath to the count of four. Exhale through your mouth to the count of four. Repeat.

Listen to music
Music can be a mood booster. Create a playlist or find a station that makes you smile, or turn on some dance music and get your groove on.

You’ve probably heard it before: Laughter is the best medicine. Well, when it comes to stress, it’s no joke. So, watch or listen to your favorite comedian. Find a humorous podcast, blog, or radio program. Or, watch a funny movie. Laughter can boost mood and positivity.

Another way to reduce the effects of stress on your blood sugar level—and your health in general—is to insert little pockets of rest time into your life consciously.

Most importantly, know that you’re not alone. There are people and resources available to help you manage your diabetes and stress.

Diabetes managing tips

How can Glucerna® support your
diabetes management plan?

Glucerna® Vanilla Flavor

Glucerna® is the number 1 selling diabetes nutritional supplement in the world*. It contains 35 nutrients, slow-release carbohydrates and 4x more inositol vs previous formulation, that delivers a dual action for tight blood sugar control.

* Euromonitor International Limited; total global retail sales in 2023 for diabetic diet enhancer drinks that are not marketed as a meal replacement product. Euromonitor and Abbott calculation based in part on custom research conducted between October and November 2023 and Euromonitor Passport Consumer Health 2023 based on 2022 data.

Glucerna Vanilla Flavor can with '4x myo-inositol vs previous formulation' and 'with 35 nutrients' floating claims