How to Feed Fundamentally Vigorous Kids

How to Feed Fundamentally Vigorous Kids


Raising fundamentally vigorous kids starts with what’s on their plates. As parents, ensuring that our children receive the right balance of nutrients is essential for their growth, development, and overall well-being. In today's fast-paced world, where processed foods and sugary snacks are easily accessible, it can be challenging to maintain a diet that supports robust health and vitality.

Feeding Guidelines for Fundamentally Vigorous Kids to Ensure Healthy Growth

1. Manage mealtimes.

Set Regular Mealtimes: Schedule meals every 3 to 4 hours to maintain a steady intake of nutrients and energy.

Limit Meal Duration: Keep mealtimes to a maximum of 30 minutes to promote efficient eating habits and prevent overindulgence.

2. Build meals around nutrient-rich “anchor food” like soy or dairy products, fortified cereals, meat or legumes, and brightly colored vegetables and fruits.

3. Do not beg, distract, or coerce your child into eating.

4. Encourage self-feeding.

5. Give your child bite-sized portions that are easy to chew and melts in the mouth quickly.

6. Create the “Family Table”.

Sit together as a family during mealtimes as often as possible. Shared meals create a supportive and encouraging environment, reinforcing the importance of nutritious eating and family bonds. 

Support Your Fundamentally Vigorous Child’s Nutrition with PediaSure Plus®

Allay your fears by supplementing your child’s nutrition with PediaSure Plus®. Its unique formulation ensures your child receives a comprehensive mix of essential nutrients, including proteins, vitamins, and minerals, supporting their overall growth and development. With PediaSure Plus®, you can confidently provide your child with the nutritional foundation they need to thrive, promoting healthy growth, enhanced immune function, and a fundamentally vigorous lifestyle.

What to do if your child is a picky eater

Click on the feeding behavior that best applies to your child for some feeding guidelines to make sure your child’s growth will be on track!

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