PediaSure Plus® Philippines

Help your child catch up on growth with PediaSure Plus®

Is your child at risk for growth?

PediaSure Plus background pattern top
Pediasure background pattern bottom
Exposing myths on growing right

Identify the misconceptions which could be holding your children back from reaching their full grown potential.

Graphic titled 'Myths or Facts'

Here are some of the most common myths
that could impact a child's growth:

Myth 1 illustration, Boy transition from picky eater to balanced mealtime with PediaSure Plus

It's normal for kids to be picky eaters.

Picky eating isn't okay.
Eating right today can support
long-term growth and development.

Myth 2 Illustration, depicting parents of same height but kids of different height

Short parents will have short kids.

Height isn't just about genetics.
Nutrition, in the first 5 years,
matters a lot to a child's overall growth.

Myth 3 Illustration, Transition of girl feeling better from illness with Porridge and PediaSure Plus' extra nutrition

Plain porridge and soup are best
for sick children.

These foods just aren't nutritious enough.
Kids need extra nutrition
while recovering from illnesses.

Myth 4 Illustration, Stunted Boy healthier and able to play in the pool after Pediasure Plus.

Stunted kids are just shorter
but can be just as healthy.

According to a clinical study*,
stunted kids are likely to be deprived of
growth nutrients for energy and calories,
because this is first diverted to fight infections.

Myth 5 Illustration, Girl playing hide and seek and running.

Kids can get appendicitis
if they play after eating.

This is a common misconception.
A 30-min gap is recommended
before play to aid digestion.

Myth 6 Illustration, Child enjoying healthy meals and PediaSure Plus instead of junk food for balanced nutrition

Underweight kids can eat what they like,
as long as they eat.

Junk food can induce weight gain but,
they are not healthy choices.
Instead, choose a complete and balanced
supplement to meet your child's
nutritional needs.

Four Types of Children Who are at Risk for Growth

Short for Age Icon, boy illustrated having a growth gap


Children who are not receiving proper nutrition may grow stunted, or small for their age. In fact, in the Philippines, one in three children between the ages of 3-5 years old are stunted*

Picky eater Icon, depicts a boy pushing away vegetables from plate


According to a number of studies, picky eating has been linked to a higher risk of being underweight and having stunted growth. **

Not Gaining Weight Icon, depicts a boy hungry, holding his stomach


Your child may not be consuming an adequate amount of calories.
Drinking PediaSure Plus® can help fill these gaps and help your child catch up on their weight and height gain (with three balanced meals and exercise).

Frequently Sick Icon, depicts a boy unwell on bed


When a child is sick, nutrients meant for growth are diverted toward the immune system. In order to build a robust immune system, your child's diet needs to be nutrient-rich.****

Pediasure background pattern top
PediaSure Plus background pattern bottom

PediaSure Plus® is a specialized Child Nutrition Supplement, scientifically formulated with 37 growth nutrients, including emerging growth nutrients, to help preschoolers reach their full growth potential. It's considered one of the best milk options for preschoolers. Encouraging your child to drink two glasses of PediaSure Plus® daily, alongside a balanced diet and regular exercise, can significantly support their growth.

Drinking two glasses of PediaSure Plus® everyday and following a balanced diet and exercise will help support a child's faster growth.

PediaSure Plus packaging highlighting its triple immune blend, triple protein complex, and unique symbiotic blend with vanilla flavor.

Start with these Habits
for your Child's Faster Growth

Eat Healthy Icon, Cutleries and Plate with heart in the middle


Make sure your child
consumes at least
5 of the 7 food groups

Exercise Daily Icon, Flying Baseball


The WHO recommends at least 180 mins of physical activity and not more than 60 mins of sedentary screen time for your child.

Sleep Tight Icon, Pillow with ZZZ


Make sure your child gets
10-13 hours of good
quality sleep

Drink Milk Daily Icon, labelled PediaSure Plus


Drinking two glasses of PediaSure Plus® everyday helps to provide for a child's growth and development.
With 37 growth nutrients and Triple Protein Complex to help reach his full growth potential
(vs. no nutritional supplementation, with three balanced meals).

Our Range

Help reach your child's full growth potential with PediaSure Plus®.
(vs. no nutritional supplementation with three balanced meals and exercise)
Available in a range of variants depending on your child's nutritional requirement and age.


Track Your Child's Growth Milestones

Check whether your child is on track to reach his growth potential with the help of 2 glasses of PediaSure Plus® everyday!

Timeline of PediaSure Plus' impact on child growth milestones from appetite to stunting correction

PediaSure Plus® is  backed by clinical studies
showing SUPERIOR GROWTH and IMMUNITY BENEFITS with continued use
(vs. no nutritional supplementation, with three balanced meals and exercise)

ASC Ref. No. A166P112222PS

* Department of Science and Technology - Food and Nutrition Research Institute. 8th National Nutrition Survey. Manila, 2013​
** Effect of Oral Supplementation on Catch-Up Growth in Picky Eaters (Alarcón PA et al., 2003).​
*** The ASPEN Pediatric Nutrition Support Curriculum, 2nd ed. 2015. Pg. 542.Effect of Oral Nutritional Supplementation on Growth and Recurrent Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Picky Eating Children at Nutritional Risk: A Randomized, Controlled Trial (Ghosh AK et al., 2018)​
Impact of Long-Term Use of Oral Nutritional Supplement on Nutritional Adequacy, Dietary Diversity, Food Intake and Growth of Filipino Preschool Children (Huynh DTT et al., 2016).​
Longitudinal Growth and Health Outcomes in Nutritionally At-Risk Children Who Received Long-Term Nutritional Intervention (Huynh DTT et al., 2015).​
Effect of Oral Supplementation on Catch-Up Growth in Picky Eaters (Alarcón PA et al., 2003).​
Oral Nutritional Supplementation Improved Physical Growth and Micronutrient Deficiencies in Stunted Children (Ninh N et al., 2018)​
Continuation of Oral Nutritional Supplementation Supports Continued Growth in Nutritionally At-Risk Children With Picky Eating Behavior: A Post-Intervention Observational Follow-Up Study (Ghosh AK et al., 2018).​

PH.2022.32031.PDS.1 / December 9, 2022
