Breast milk is best for your baby

The World Health Organisation (WHO) and Health Promotion Board (HPB) recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life. Unnecessary introduction of bottle feeding or other food and drinks will have a negative impact on breastfeeding. At around six months of age (but not before 4 months), infants should receive nutritionally adequate and age-appropriate complementary foods while breastfeeding continues for up to two years of age or beyond. Consult your doctor before deciding to use infant formula or if you have difficulty breastfeeding.

Abbott Singapore fully recognises breast milk’s primacy, value and superiority and supports exclusive breastfeeding as recommended by the WHO.

The content on this website is intended as general information for Singaporean residents only and should not be used as a substitute for medical care and advice from your healthcare practitioner. The HPB recommends that infants start on age-appropriate complementary foods at around 6 months, whilst continuing breastfeeding for up to 2 years or beyond to meet their evolving nutritional requirements. If no longer breastfeeding, toddlers can switch to full cream milk after 12 months. This should be complemented by a good variety of solid foods from the four main food groups (fruits, vegetables, grains, meat and alternatives). For more information on the nutritional requirements of infants and young children, please visit

For 3 – 6 Years Old

Grow® Preschool Stage 4

GROW® Preschool Stage 4

Scientifically Designed To Support The Nourishment of Children

Specially designed for school-going children in Singapore, GROW® Preschool contains a combination of 26 vitamins and minerals, DHA, Choline, Taurine and Prebiotics. GROW® Preschool is scientifically designed to support the nourishment of children in their formative years to get the most out of work and play.

* Except Grow ready-to-drink that is manufactured in Vietnam.

Available in 900g, 1.8kg

GROW® products are formulated with no palm oil

The savvier way to grow.

GROW® PreSchool is a Healthier Choice product

which is 25% lower in sugar and 25% higher in calcium than regular growing-up milk.


Comparison Table

GROW® is lower in sugar than other beverages.^



0.36 Teaspoons

Chocolate Malt Drink

Chocolate Malt Drink

1.8 Teaspoons

Soy Milk

Soy Milk

2.2 Teaspoons

Yoghurt Drink

Yoghurt Drink

2.8 Teaspoons


^ Comparison based on added sugar per 200ml serving of respective beverage. 1 Teaspoon is equivalent to 5 grams of sugar.

GROW® Preschool Stage 4 offers a clear advantage and delivers more key nutrients.3,4,5


(Meets 100% of RDA)3,4,5
Helps to build strong bones and teeth.


Vitamin D
(Meets >90% of RDA)3,4,5
Helps to support calcium absorption and improves bone strength.


DHA, Choline, Taurine
DHA is an important building block for the development of brain and eyes (for children up to 3 years of age).
Choline helps support overall mental functioning (for children up to 6 years of age).

Taurine helps to support overall mental and physical development (for children up to 6 years of age).


26 Vitamins & Minerals
Supports overall growth and development.


2 Prebiotics
(Inulin & FOS)
Helps maintain a healthy digestive system.


Why choose GROW® for your child

A nutrient-dense beverage like growing-up milk can help your child to achieve daily nutritional requirements. It also provides important nutrients to support your child’s physical and mental development.

Brain Development

Brain Development

  • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is an important building block for the development of brain and eye (for children up to 3 years of age).

  • Choline helps support overall mental functioning (for children up to 6 years of age).

  • Taurine helps to support overall mental and physical development (for children up to 6 years of age).



  • Calcium helps to support development of strong bones and teeth.
  • Vitamin D helps support calcium absorption and improves bone strength.
  • Protein provides the essential amino acids needed to aid in the building and maintenance of body tissues.


  • Antioxidant system with Selenium and Vitamins C & E to help protect cells from free radicals.
  • Iron is a necessary nutrient for a normal immune system.
  • Zinc is essential for healthy immune system function.

Nutritional Table

View Full Nutritional List


Per 100 ml

Per Serving (200 ml)

Energy (kcal)72145
Energy (kJ)303606
Protein (g)3.26.3
Fat (g)1.32.6

Saturated Fatty Acids (g)


Trans Fatty Acids (g)


DHA (mg)

Cholesterol (mg)613
Carbohydrate (g)1224

Total added Sugar (Without Lactose) (g)


Dietary Fibre (Inulin and FOS) (g)

Taurine (mg)510


Vitamin A (IU)174347
Vitamin D3 (IU)91181
Vitamin E (IU)1.73.3
Vitamin K1 (mcg)36
Vitamin C (mg)1326
Folic acid (mcg)1429
Vitamin B1 (mg)0.130.25
Vitamin B2 (mg)0.140.27
Vitamin B6 (mg)0.150.3
Vitamin B12 (mcg)0.20.4
Niacin (mg)1.22.4
Pantothenic acid (mg)0.350.7
Biotin (mcg)2.55
Choline (mg)2040


Sodium (mg)3467
Potassium (mg)151302
Chloride (mg)86171
Calcium (mg)158315
Phosphorus (mg)101202
Magnesium (mg)1019
Iron (mg)1.252.5
Zinc (mg)0.91.8
Manganese (mg)0.140.27
Copper (mg)0.10.2
Iodine (mcg)714
Selenium (mcg)2.55

* Standard dilution (200 ml) is prepared by mixing 3 level scoops (36 g) with 175 ml water.
^ Values shown are for vanilla flavour. For the nutrient values of other flavours, please refer to the nutrition information panel of the specific product.

Easy To Prepare

Recommendation: 1 serving = 200ml. 2 Servings Daily.
An intake of 500ml a day of GROW® Preschool provides over 300kcal to help meet daily energy requirement.

Step 1

Step 1

Mix 3 level scoops of GROW® Preschool in 175ml lukewarm, previously boiled water.

Step 2

Step 2

Stir well and consume immediately.

Step 3

Step 3

If not consumed, prepared GROW® Preschool should be refrigerated and used within 24 hours.

Share Your Grow® Story

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is there only DHA and no AA in Grow?

Many nutrients play a role in optimal brain development. DHA and AA are important building blocks for the development of the brain and eyes for children up to 3 years of age. Grow is formulated with key nutrients to give good value for money, while meeting the nutritional needs of your child.

What is the source of DHA in Grow stage 4 – Preschool?

DHA in Grow Stage 4 is derived from refined fish oil.

What is sugar content for Grow stage 4 – Preschool and Grow stage 5 - School?

Both Grow Stage 4 & 5 contain only 2.4 g of added sugar per 200 ml serving, which is slightly less than a half of a teaspoon. Grow Stage 4 & 5 carry Healthier Choice Symbol and classified by Health Protection Board being 25% lower in sugar than regular children’s milk powder (3-year-old and above).

We recommend 2 servings of Grow Stage 4 or 5 each day as part of a healthy, well-balanced and, age-appropriate diet.

Is Grow Halal Certified?

Yes, Grow is Halal Certified.

Does Grow come with lutein and natural vitamin E? 

No. GROW is Abbott’s affordable range of formulas, to meet the fundamental nutritional needs of children. Similac is Abbott’s most advanced range of formulas, with scientifically studied ingredients such as lutein, natural vitamin E, nucleotides and 2’FL.

1 Tan XR, Tan WEC, Lim MT, Jacob A. Are Our Children Eating a Balanced Diet? A Food Group Analysis of the Diets of 3-Year-Old Children in Singapore. Annals Academy of Medicine October 2015, Vol. 44 (Suppl) No. 10. S330.
Raising Healthy Kids
For Calcium, Singapore’s Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for children 1-3 years is 500 mg per day, 4-6 is 600 mg per day, and for children 7-9 years is 700 mg per day. For Vitamin D, Singapore’s Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for children 1-7 years is 10 mcg, and for children 7-<10 years is 2.5 mg per day.
Comparison based on 2 servings of 200 ml of each beverage with Singapore’s Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for children age group as mentioned in reference #3.
Recommended Dietary Allowances for Normal Healthy Persons in Singapore (Children & Adolescents)

SG.2022.29050.GRO.1 (v1.1) 

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