Easing the Morning Sickness Like a Pro

Easing the Morning Sickness Like a Pro


Morning sickness can be challenging for mums-to-be. However, by following a few tips and making some lifestyle changes, you can manage the symptoms.

Morning sickness can be a challenging experience for mums-to-be who have to get through their daily activities despite feeling nauseous or even throwing up several times a day. However, by learning more about this common pregnancy occurrence including its triggers, you may effectively manage morning sickness and help to minimise disruption to your usual routines. Let’s take a closer look at morning sickness and how you can take it all in great stride.

What is morning sickness?

Morning sickness is nausea and/or vomiting that typically occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy and begins around the fourth week.Despite the name, morning sickness can happen at any time of the day. It can vary in intensity too for pregnant women, with some experiencing minimal symptoms, and others suffering more intense nausea and even vomiting.

While the exact cause of morning sickness is unknown, it is thought to be linked to pregnancy-related hormonal changes.1,2

Symptoms of morning sickness

The most common signs and symptoms of morning sickness are nausea (which can be of varying intensity) and/ or vomiting. Typically, morning sickness is at its peak early in the day. It may be triggered by certain odors, foods, heat, excess salivation, or, oftentimes, no triggers at all. Symptoms usually ease for many mums-to-be by the middle of the second trimester.

Morning sickness is experienced by most pregnant women and does not put the baby at any risk.However, if you feel that the symptoms are harder to bear than usual, it’s crucial that you follow the advice of your healthcare provider to remain healthy during your pregnancy and avoid developing health issues like dehydration and/or malnutrition.

Risk factors for morning sickness

While morning sickness is commonly experienced in pregnancy, some women could have certain risk factors that could make them more susceptible to it. This includes3:


Being pregnant with multiple babies

Having experienced vomiting and sickness in previous pregnancies

The tendency to get motion sickness

First pregnancy

Obesity (BMI 30 or more)


Previously feeling sick when taking contraceptives that include oestrogen

A history of migraine headaches

Morning sickness running in the family

Managing and reducing morning sickness

There is no cure for the feeling of nausea in pregnancy, neither can you prevent it. However, you may ease your symptoms by making some changes to your lifestyle and diet, and here are some approaches you can try3.

Ginger is often marketed as a natural way to reduce nausea. Adding sliced fresh ginger to hot water or eating ginger biscuits are good options. However, speak to your doctor before taking any ginger supplements.

Nibbling on some dry toast or a cracker first thing in the morning could help ease morning sickness.

Avoid common nausea triggers like strong cooking or other smells, or foods that are spicy.

Get lots of rest as feeling tired may aggravate morning sickness.

Stay hydrated – water is the best option.

Sucking on an ice cube may help to ease nausea if the smell of hot food triggers your morning sickness.

If nausea or vomiting is causing significant discomfort, consult your doctor to seek immediate medical attention. Other signs you need to see a doctor include: very dark urine or you have not urinated in more than eight hours; you feel dizzy when you stand up or feel very weak; have a fever; cannot keep any food or drink down for 24 hours, or you’re vomiting blood.

Understanding morning sickness and putting these useful tips into motion can help make your pregnancy journey smooth and memorable.

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