Parenting Guides

Curious Lil’ Geniuses, show us your story for a Chance to Win!

Curious Lil’ Geniuses, show us your story for a Chance to Win!
Curious Lil’ Geniuses, show us your story for a Chance to Win!
Curious Lil’ Geniuses, show us your story for a Chance to Win!

Curious Lil’ Geniuses, show us your story for a Chance to Win!

There are many things a child can do that can drive a parent insane, and one of it is the limitless number of questions a child can ask to an adult. It may be tedious and frustrating to answer their repetitive questions but do know that a child asking questions is always a good sign!

This is because children are naturally curious creatures. They are keen to explore and learn, and by asking questions, they are developing their cognitive skills1. According to a study children ask questions due to their own disequilibrium and providing them answers when they need it allows them to have depth of processing skills1.

But, in today’s world, children can gain easy access to answers of their curiosities with the availability of mass media. With the ever-growing content of knowledge provided for these children, it can help them to develop their cognitive skills alongside their creative thinking and skills.

Cognitive skills and creative skills

How can we simply understand what is defined by cognitive skills? Cognitive comes from the word ‘cognition’, which means ‘understanding’. Hence, cognitive skills are the primary skills your children uses to think, read, learn, remember, reason, pay attention2.

Curious Lil Geniuses, show us your story for a Chance to Win!

Meanwhile, creative skills allow your children to develop imagination, build confidence, practise decision-making, problem-solving and express emotions, thoughts and ideas in verbal and non-verbal ways3.

However, cognitive skills and creative skills do come hand in hand. Children need cognitive abilities to spark up their creative abilities, and vice versa.

At a young age, children are able to absorb and retain information much easier as compared to adults. This is due to their still developing prefrontal cortices that make them more flexible when learning4, which helps them to learn at a more rapid pace.

Let your children share their knowledge

Children who ask a lot of questions also tend to communicate more! As they have more knowledge, they are keen to share this knowledge with the people around them. So, how can you, as a parent, encourage your child to share what they have learned?

Ways your children can share their knowledge

Visual sharing. Some children prefer to pick up coloured pencils, crayons or some paint and brushes. Allow them to indulge in messy play alongside sharing their thoughts. Not only will this let them increase their creative skills, it will also help them to develop their motor skills.

Curious Lil Geniuses, show us your story for a Chance to Win!

Verbal sharing. As mentioned, the more curious a child is, the more they are going to talk. Listen to them and ask them questions about their sharings. The back-and-forth communication is surely to encourage their cognitive skills and communication skills.

number of questions by a child to parents

Storytelling. If your child loves to be the centre of attention and adores talking or writing, then storytelling is the way to go for them! Storytelling is a great method to allow them to increase both creative and cognitive skills. They can use their creative skills such as imagining the environment of their story and make use of their cognitive skills such as remembering the events of their story.

number of questions by a child

Support your child's overall growth and development

Let your children unleash their inner Lil’ Genius by allowing them to express their potential for creativity through storytelling with Similac Gold Big Stories by Lil’ Geniuses contest in collaboration with Cambridge University Press and stand a chance to win amazing prizes up to RM50k*! Show us your child’s writing skills for a chance to become 1 of 60 authors of Big Stories by Lil Genius.

number of questions by a child

Support your children to gain higher IQ and higher thinking speed with Similac Gold Gain Plus with 5 key nutrients important for memory9,12, language12,15, thinking speed10,15, IQ13 and Immunity5,6.

2’-FL + Nucleotides for less sick days to receive better learning opportunities (66% less illnesses5, up to 63% less diarrhea6, help to support immune function)6,7.

Ganglioside to encourage brain cells to connect for optimal development and increase memory performance by connecting 100 billion brain cells for better learning & higher IQ and increasing memory performance 8,9

Lutein to promote 12% faster brain processing speed.14

DHA for supporting the brain to gain more high IQ development.10,11

Natural vitamin E to prevent DHA from damage.15

number of questions by a child

In collaboration with Cambridge University Press, Similac Gold Gain Plus wants to hear all your stories! Storytelling is a great way for children to express themselves creatively and comically and they can do it even better with higher IQ10,11 support and faster thinking skills14 with the help of Similac Gold Gain Plus . Click here to learn more!



1 Children's Questions: A Mechanism for Cognitive Development

2 What are cognitive skills

3 Creative activities for school-age learning and development

4 Why Children Learn Faster than Adults and How You Can Learn Their Tricks

5 Reverri EJ, et al. Nutrients 2018.10, 1346

6 Pickering LK, et al. Pediatrics. 1998;101(2):242-249  

7 Goehring KC. at al. J Nun. 2016 Dec; 146(12)2559-2546. Epub 2016

8 Xia, Y of aL Asia Pac K  Cin Nutr. 2021 Sep; 30(3);401-414.

9 Jeon, Y et al. Am J Chin Med. 2016;44(3):489-514

10 Bovier Et. at at PLoS One. 2014. Vol 9 Issue 9;e106178

11 Renzi LM, et aL Ophthalmic Physiol opt. 2010.30: 351-357

12 Scott et al. Official J. Am Paediatric. 1998;102;e59

13 Gurnida DA, et al. Early Hum Dev. 2012; 88:595-60

14 Lutein study in adults. Renzi LM, at aL Ophthal Physiol.2010:30;351-7

15 EE Vak at al. Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 2000 Mar;70(2);31-42

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