Unveiling The Truths About Muscle Strength

Unveiling The Truths About Muscle Strength


Muscles, the unsung heroes of our bodies, silently carry out countless tasks. However, as time progresses, these powerhouses face the inevitable effects of aging, leading to muscle decay.1Understanding the nuances of this process unveils the powerful truths about muscle strength that are often overlooked.

Reality Check

Did you know that around the age of 40, muscle mass begins to decline by approximately 8%? This decline accelerates after the age of 70, affecting not only physical appearance but overallfunctionality. This is why Lola Rosa, at 72 years old, is having a very bad day.

She has been in the kitchen all morning preparing a huge pot of kare-kare for her beloved apo.

When he finally arrives, she extends her hand for him to make mano and bends down to give him a big hug. Suddenly, a sharp pain shoots up her back, making her stiff and uncomfortable. The morning hours of standing in the kitchen have caught up with her and she retracts her open arms to massage her lower back.

She makes her way to the nearest chair, carefully settling down in frustration and disappointment. Her aging body has robbed her of the warm embrace she has long been waiting for.

Lola Rosa's muscle mass and strength have decreased in a process called sarcopenia and it affects her activities everyday.

Hard Truths

Growing old affects all facets of the body. Here are some facts about your muscle and how they're affected by aging:

● Over 600 muscles make up to 40% of your body weight.1

● Sarcopenia, the age-related loss of muscle mass, can begin at around age 30.2

● By the age of 80, many individuals may have lost up to 33% of their muscle mass.

● Aging leads to a decrease in muscle myofibers' size and number.

● Muscles provide stability, posture, and facilitate coordinated movement. When they weaken, it results in an overall decline in quality of life. This can be seen in reduced strength, difficulty lifting or carrying objects, decreased ability to walk long distances, slower movement and reaction times, and increased vulnerability to falls.1

● Protein intake is essential for muscle repair and growth.4

The Turning Point: HMB and Muscle Health

In the quest to defy the odds, one crucial element emerges – HMB, or β-Hydroxy β-Methylbutyrate. HMB is a metabolite of the amino acid leucine and plays a vital role in supporting muscle health. Clinical studies suggest that HMB supplementation can assist in slowing down muscle decay, promoting muscle growth, and enhancing overall strength.3

Understanding these powerful truths about muscle strength empowers individuals to take proactive measures. From engaging in regular exercise to incorporating HMB-rich nutritional supplements like Ensure Gold, the journey to sustaining muscle health unfolds. With the help of these supplements, aging adults like Lola Rosa might better be able to enjoy play dates with their apos, spend less time trying to catch up with their strolling family, and more time enjoying their company.

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1Burgess, L. (2023, June 26). What are the main functions of the muscular system?


2Distéfano, G., & Goodpaster, B. H. (2017). Effects of exercise and aging on skeletal muscle. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine, 8(3), a029785.


3Engelen, M., & Deutz, N. E. P. (2018). Is β-hydroxy β-methylbutyrate an effective anabolic agent to improve outcome in older diseased populations? Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, 21(3), 207–213.


4Volpi, E., Nazemi, R., & Fujita, S. (2004c). Muscle tissue changes with aging. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, 7(4), 405–410.


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