Pediasure Vanilla
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PediaSure Vanilla
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Hygiene is vital to prevent germs and infections. Mainly, children are sensitive and more immune to infectious diseases. The bacteria resistant to diseases has not been developed yet in their bodies. So they are more prone to get infected.
Parents must teach their kids the importance and practices of hygiene at a young age. Their health and safety should never be compromised. It should be practiced daily to make it a part of your child’s regular life. Since a child learns from what they see, parents should also inculcate the habit of good hygienic practices so that their children learn and do the same.
There are many ways to make your child learn healthy practices: -
The process of washing hands: -
1) Wash their hands with water.
2) Apply soap on all the surfaces of the hand. Ensure none of the areas is left behind for the germs to attack.
3) Rub the hands together.
4) Clean the fingers, wrist, and back of the hands.
5) Wash both sides with running water.
6) Wipe the hands with a clean towel.
7) Lastly, close the tap.
Always wash hands:
Coughing and Sneezing – When someone catches a cold, they’re likely to cough or sneeze. In such a situation, cover the mouth with a clean handkerchief to avoid the spread of germs. Do not use the hand to cover the mouth. Encourage your child to sneeze or cough into the crook of their elbow instead of their hands, to reduce the spread of bacteria.
Encourage good hygiene in your children. You can also help prevent the spread of germs in school by following these basic steps:
Along with these practices, make your kid eat healthy fresh fruits daily to boost their body’s immunity increase and helps fight frequent illnesses. A balanced diet along with physical activity is the most effective for the proper functioning of the body’s systems. Inculcate these hygiene practices at an early stage for a disease-free future for your kid.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in the above Blog are the independent views of the blogger / author based on his/her experience on child growth and development. It is not intended to represent Abbott’s viewpoint on the matter or to promote Abbott’s products. Nothing in this content should be construed as Abbott giving medical advice or making a recommendation, endorsement of any kind, nor does it seek to replace medical opinion or independent professional/ clinical judgement.
The following strategies can help control hyperactive kids and reduce anxiety for the kid, their teachers, and their parents.
A balanced diet is essential to fulfill dietary requirements and maintaining child health nutrition. A child’s body is delicate and sensitive.
Emotional development represents a realm of child development. It is a gradual process where children observe, understand, and experience emotions in order to develop relationships with others.
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