Pediasure Vanilla
- Title
PediaSure Vanilla
References/ Disclaimers :
1. Ghosh Ak et al. Journal of International Medical Research 2018, Vol. 46(6) 2186–2201.Disclaimer: Growth implies to Mean change in BMI for age z score at day 90: 0.54 Vs 0.26 ( >50%) (p<.0001) in developmentally at risk picky eating children 2 to 6 years. Children aged 24 to < 48 months were asked to consume at least one serving (224 mL) and those aged 48 to 72 months to consume two servings (448 mL) of PediaSure. Claims are based on 1-2 serves (with water) per day
2. Data on file PDS CCD dated January’23
PediaSure contains Copper, Folate, Iron, Selenium, Zinc and Vitamins C, D, A, B12 and B6, (immunity nutrients as stated by EFSA 2016) ; In children at nutritional risk, when given in conjunction with dietary counselling Ref - 1) Alarcon P. Clin Pediatr.2003; 2) Ghosh et al JIMR, 2018
PS label dated Sept’22 ; EFSA Journal 2016; 14(1): 43-69
Data on file PDS 7+ CCD dated 3rd Jan’19
Alarcon P. Clin Pediatr.2003; Ghosh et al JIMR ,2018. In children at nutritional risk, when given in conjunction with dietary counselling
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