In a 90-day trial with 255 children aged 2 to 6 years, PediaSure plus dietary counselling significantly increased weight-for-age and BMI-for-age z-scores in fussy eaters compared to dietary counselling alone.
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In a 90-day trial with 255 children aged 2 to 6 years, PediaSure plus dietary counselling significantly increased weight-for-age and BMI-for-age z-scores in fussy eaters compared to dietary counselling alone.
Nutri-Pull system helps attract key nutrients like calcium, iron and zinc which are important for growth in children.
3 tbsp of PediaSure in 130 ml of milk
5 tbsp of PediaSure in 190 ml of water
Serve it to your child twice a day for optimal growth.
No, there is no change in the sugar levels in the new and improved PediaSure.
You could offer a rainbow platter to the kids; your child should have a colorful plate offering all 5 groups of foods daily. The 5 food groups include:
● Cereals
● Pulses
● Milk, egg, meat
● Vegetables and Fruits
● Fats and Sugar
For further advise kindly consult your Pediatrician
A simple exercise like measuring height as well as weighing your child can help you to assess your child’s overall health. Plotting height & weight on growth charts allows you to keep track of your child's growth & development over time and helps take timely measures if required. The frequency of growth monitoring for children should be as follows:
- 2-5years - Height & Weight every 3 months
- >5 years - Height, Weight, Body Mass Index (BMI) every 6 months till 9 years and annually thereafter.
Please consult your Pediatrician for appropriate advice.
Instead of force feeding, try to bring discipline into your child’s routine, meal times, eating habits, etc. Have intervals in between the meals that the child eats. In case your child refuses to eat or has taken only few bites let it be. Wait to serve till the next mealtime. This will help your child to recognize hunger and the need to eat. It will also encourage them to respect food. Please consult your Pediatrician for appropriate advice.
Some children will take time to develop the ability to chew. It can also happen due to some dental problems. Encourage your child to drink milk using a cup or mug. Give small pieces of crunchy vegetables/ fruits to develop the chewing ability.
PediaSure is scientifically formulated to help in growth and development. It is gluten free by nature; but it contains lactose hence not suitable for Lactose intolerance.
Milk is a good source of nutrients such as calcium, proteins, Vitamin A etc. But milk lacks in Iron and Vitamin C. These nutrients are important in helping build your child’s immunity.
Call toll free 1800-315-7173 for free counselling on Nutrition and related queries offered by expert nutritionists.
PediaSure contains cow milk protein and not advised for children with cow’s milk protein allergy
PediaSure can be used as a sole source of nutrition only as per doctor’s advice.
Yes. Fats are a concentrated source of energy & helps in child’s growth & development.
Absolutely, in fact adding PediaSure powder is a great way to power up your fruit smoothies with added nutrients including calories from protein, fat and carbohydrates and vitamins and minerals that your child may be missing.
Once Mixed PediaSure should be consumed immediately, else please cover, refrigerate & consume within 24 hours.
Reference and Disclaimers
Vinod K Paul. et al. In Chapter 7: Nutrition. OP Ghai Essential Pediatrics. 9th Edition
Ramesh A. et al. In Chapter 2: Growth. OP Ghai Essential Pediatrics. 9th Edition
PDS CCD dated 1st March 2021
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